Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Ant Bite!!!!

August 31, 2012 the kids were invited to a birthday party up at the Beach Park in Hiawassee Ga.  The kids were have a blast swimming and playing in the sand with their friends, the adults were enjoying time to have adult conversation while the kids were playing.  About the time we started cutting the cake Katy came over to show me that she had been bitten on her 2nd toe by an ant.  I looked at it, it looked okay, she seemed okay and went on to get some cake.  The next morning we were getting ready to go to Mason and Adam's flag football game and she showed me her foot again. She was limping a little and said it was hurting, I looked at it and it was beginning to swell.  We went on to the game but by the afternoon it was VERY swollen and red.  The next day it was tight and a purplish color.  We went to the doctor where they gave her a steroid shot for the swelling but said there was no infection.  Long story short, she spent the whole following week on crutches because it was so swollen she could not put any pressure on it. We were so afraid of infection, but as it turned out, it was just an allergic reaction to an ant bite.....which she swears was just a plain black ant!   Needless to say, we will try to steer clear of any and all ants from now on!