Monday, August 27, 2007

High Expectations!

There you are, ready for your first day of Pre-K, you are so beautiful and so grown up. I am filled with mixed emotions of joy and pride, and sadness as we see you off to "Big Girl School" for the first time. You are so excited and ready to go. I wonder what kinds of thoughts you have had in anticipation of this day. Have you wondered what it will be like, or who you might play with, or what it will be like to eat breakfast in the cafeteria or to unpack and eat your "packed" lunch for the first time. Have you wondered about the friends you will make and what they will be like. Have you had butterflies in your belly. Have you wondered about your teacher or what it will be like to play on the playground at school, or where the bathroom is. I wonder if you have wondered all or any of these things. I have wondered about all of them and more. I know you will love school and will be a great learner, I also know I will miss you each day, and will wonder how you are and what exciting things you are doing. It seems like just last week we brought you home from the hospital as a baby, and now (2 brothers later) you are starting school, my how time does fly.

Prayers for you!

We pray you'll be safe

We pray you'll learn new things

We pray you'll make new friends

We pray you'll have fun

We pray you'll be a good listener

We pray you'll be kind to others

We pray others will be kind to you

We pray you know how much we love you

We pray you will love school, love learning, and that you will think of us a little along the way !

You are a blessing to us in so many ways, we have been blessed with the best daughter in the world and we love you so much. We will always be here for you, to support you, to push you forward, to catch you when you fall, to cheer for you when you succeed, to hold you when you are afraid, to encourage your independance, and most of all to love you through it all!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kristi, this is so amazingly sweet, and it brought tears to my eyes!

:) Love you