This is Katy just before we left for Open House!
Our Beautiful Girl!
Well, it's official, Katy is starting Pre-K on Monday! I can't believe she is big enough to go. However, "big" is relevant, she is taller than most kindergarteners! She is so excited. Tonight we visited her classroom, she met both of her teachers and got to play a little in her room. We found her cubbie, where she stated that that was where her backpack would go. She will do great I know. She is a smart girl!
Me on the other hand am a little nervous and a little sad to know that some of her innocence will be lost as she enters the public school system. And, a little piece of my heart will go into Pre-school every day with her. I/we will miss her so much during the day, especially Mason, he will really miss her! But she will be home every day at 3:30 and I know he will be waiting for her.
Katy playing with the doll house at school.

Speaking of Mason, here he is with his new (new to him) big wheel that he dad got for him. Of course he calls it his "cycle" meaning motor cycle. His feet do not reach the pedals yet but he gets around just fine pushing with his feet. He was a little upset that he did not get to go "meet his teacher" tonight. Like I said, he is really gonna miss Katy. He will just have to redirect his focus to teaching Adam how to be a "proper" Cook! Also notice the bandaid on his chin, he was doing butt drops in the tub last night, you know showing some of that Cook humor when he slipped and busted his chin open on the side of the tub! OUCH! Not to mention the fact that tonight he fell again and hurt his eye. An accident waiting to happen, I tell you! You know what they say, Like Father, Like Son!
Aren't they cute. Chillin in the recliner watching the morning "news" you know, "Little Einstiens." Adam is doing well. He is eating his baby food like a champ and is gaining weight well. He is such a good baby! You should see him smile, he smiles all the time, at everyone! He is so sweet and snuggly! He is going to be a handful like the rest of them though, you can see it in his eyes. He might give Mason a run for his money.
And now the day ends, one off to school, one one the injured list, and one waiting in the wings!