Okay! I am a slacker! I haven't blogged in FOREVER! Danielle even had to email me to ask if I was ever going to post again! Sorry for those few family members who log on ever so often only to find "Nothing New!" So, here is a bit of an update.
All the kids have had birthdays! Katy is now 6, Mason is now 4, and Adam in now 2! I can't believe my babies are growing so fast.
Katy had her first slumber party for her birthday. She had 5 friends over, 4 spent the night. They had a great time! We started with making our own party hats, moved on to Pizza and Cake (Puppy Cake). Then we played a little Limbo (Katy's request). Then the girls got on thier PJ's and watched "Barbie and the Diamond Castle." They all went to sleep around 10:30 or so. We got up the next morning and enjoyed animal shaped pancakes! The kids all went home around 11:00. We all had lots of fun, the girls were great!
Adam had his 2nd birthday party with family and friends. Papaw Cook even came up for a visit. We did the regular family thing, family and a big dinner. He had a Football birthday cake. He enjoyed opening his presents! Katy got to open her family presents too. It was a great party!
Mason also had a family party. Hamburgers and Hotdogs, with a little Dinosaur cake for desert. The highlight of Mason's birthday party was the fact the Will brought out his old little 50 4-wheeler for Mason to ride. He loved it!!!!!! Of course! The weather was beautiful and all the kids had fun playing outside and riding the 4-wheeler.
We also went to Big Lagoon State Park in Florida for Spring Break. The Plemmons family and we packed up our campers and headed for the beach. We had a wonderful time! The first few days were a little cool, rainy..., but the last few were beautiful. The rain gaveus the opportunity to go to the National Aviation Museum. We all loved it! Very interesting and educational. We also had the opportunity to see the Blue Angels practice one morning, AWESOME!!!!!! We spent our last 2 days in the sun, on the beach! We came back on Thursday, we had a little trouble with the truck. The camper sucked our battery dry, so we had to unplug it, jump off the truck, then head on up the road. It was a little scarey, we sort of broke down in a bad part of town (Montgomery Alabama). But all was good, we got moving and never had any other problems. We got back on Thursday, the following Saturday was Mason's birthday party.

Katy is playing Tee Ball. She loves it, thinks it is lots of fun. She is doing GREAT! She is on the Red Socks (coincidental since that is her daddy's favorite team)! She has had a few games so far, and will play through the beginning of June. Mason is a little upset (to say the least) that he can't play this year, he'll be ready next year though. He is already better than I am!
Adam is talking a lot more! He jabbers about stuff all the time, he knows exactly what he is saying, I just wish I could figure it out! He is about cute!
What can we say? We are so blessed, beautiful and perfect kids (as far as we are concerned).
Ta Ta for Now!
P.S. I will add pictures of Mason's birthday later, they are not uploaded to the computer yet.