It seems our lives have been so buys for......years! We have been going, constantly, forever it seems. Our weeks have been filled with many committments (and still are) and our weekends have been filled with travel or other committments for a long, long time. It seemed we never had time just for us, for our family to spend time together, void of the outside world. Fortunately, 2012 has been different for us! We have been home every weekend since Christmas!!! We have taken the kids skating, and to the movies, and out for pizza...we have had family movie nights, built forts, played the Wii, cooked together, eaten together... We have taken advantage of our time together and have enjoyed every minute of it!
When you are a parent of young children, you often hear, "Enjoy them while they are little, they will be grown before you know it!" And, it's true, they do grow up so fast...too fast! But, I think that poeple think parents don't realize this at all, but we do!!! We struggle with it every single day! We worry that we don't spend enough time talking with them, singing with them, playing with them, snuggling with them, teaching them, guiding them....LOVING them! We struggle with those things with every breath that we take!
That is why I am so thankful for the fact that our lives seem to have slowed down just a little lately. Thankful that we have been able to spend that extra time with each other and with our kids! I thank God every day for our family! For our kids! We have been blessed with three of the most wonderful kids God ever created! We are blessed!
Please God, help us never to forget how blessed we are! Help us never to take each other for granted and to always cherish our time together!