Where else but in Hayesville might you find a first annual genuine "TRACTOR PARADE" filled with over 80 tractors of all makes and models and succeed in bringing half the town out to see it? I do love our town! A few weekend's ago we went to the the Tractor Parade in town and got to see all kinds of tractors, old ones, new ones, rusty ones, shiney ones, you name it, it was there. The kids had a great time walking around and climbing on almost every one they came accross, as well as a few trailors filled with nice yellow hay bails. The parade was held to raise money for the Dwight Smith scholorship fund. Dwight Smith was a boy that was killed in a farming accident on his family farm in the early 90's. Gran and Papaw Burch went with us, we endulged in a few hamburgers and hot dogs and enjoyed the atmosphere. It was a perfectly beautiful day, blue skys, warm with a nice fall breeze, sweet smell of fall in the air. Like I said, a perfect day! It was nice to be outside and to support the effort and enjoy the parade.
As the event came to an end the kids decided they wanted an ice cream after seeing other kids with them, so, I left Katy with a friend and Mason, Adam (in my carry pack) and I went accross the street for ice cream. Needless to say the shop was packed full, we stood in line just until we were 3rd in line, Mason decided that listening to mom and staying close by was not a great idea and that hitting the older man in front of us in the back of the legs was a much better idea, therefore we had to leave. After all that time we stood in line, we still had to leave with no ice cream, Adam in the pack on my chest and a crying Mason pickup and propped on my hip. As if that wasn't bad enough, we had to break the news to Katy that we would not be having ice cream and that it was time to go. So, add another one holding my hand (crying as well) and off we went to meet the grandparents at the car. We get there, I unload Mason, then Adam and put him in his seat (meanwhile dropping my camera-crap!) and loaded everyone in the famiy truckster and headed for home!
Oh, the joys of parenthood!!!
All in all, it was a great day, lots of fun and worth going even with a little chaos, what is life without a little chaos anyway!