Sunday, October 28, 2007

Carving Pumpkins

Uncle Matt came up a few weeks ago from Atlanta, just to carve pumpkins with our kids. Wow, where else in the world will you find an uncle who works 6 days a week at one of the most stressful jobs there is, that will take his only day off to drive 2.5 hours just to carve pumpkins with his niece and nephew. Kellie wanted to come too, but she knew that Hitler, her boss would not let her off. So she had to stay home this year. Anyway, Matt came around lunch time, I picked Katy up early from school, and they soon got down to business. He brought a small pumpkin for Adam, a medium sized pumpkin for Mason, and a Big pumpkin for Miss Katy. They were so excited. They all headed outside to "gut" the pumpkins. Mason thought this was the greatest thing in the world and dug right in, scooping out mounds and mounds of goopy seeds, and pulling out globs of "pumpkin guts." Katy was not so in to the gutting of the pumpkins but did manage to stick her hand in and pull out one scoop full for a picture. After the pumpkins were ready for carving, they went inside to decide what to carve. Katy wanted a horse, a HORSE, I know Matt was thinking, "What the...I can't carve a Horse." The harder he tried to talk her out of it the more she wanted a horse. Then he started asking about spooky or scary pumpkins, but Katy said she needed a happy pumpkin, still, Matt was able to convince Mason for one a little more on the spooky side. They ended up with a regular jack-o-lantern for Adam, a ghost for mason, and a jack-o-lanter with regular eyes and nose and her hand prints for his mouth. How original is that!!! They looked great.

After their masterpieces were finished they retreated inside for the Uncle Matt special! ICE CREAM! Matt never comes that he doesn't bring the kids an ice cream. This time he brought Ben and Jerrys! Chunky Monkey and Fish Food! They loved them, of course, and lucky for me they could not eat them all, so I had some myself. After they had had thier fun, the time came for Matt to have to go back home, he kissed the kids good-bye and headed back to Atlanta.

Thank you Matt and Kellie for the time you took and take to spend special time with our kids! They love you and so do we! We just wish you were closer. Thank you again for all you do for us! You guys are the best!!!!!