Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Halloween 2009

This year we were the proud Halloween chaperones of one beautiful Miss Cleopatra, and two roudy Ninja Turtles! After working for three weeks on thier costumes, I finally finished them up just in time to put them on and go to our much anticipated "Trunk-or-Treat" at church. The kids all loved their costumes and looked great in them! The boys definately played the part of Ninja Turtle, they were totally "in character." Katy joined her other little friends for lots of laughs and giggles and posing for pictures together. Everyone was so cute!

We ate hotdogs and chips and then the kids went on a hayride. When we got back, they went trick-or-treating to all the "trunks." We then moved on up to the fire pit where we roasted marshmallows. We all had a good time together.

On Halloween night we went to a Halloween party at Jason and Laurie's house. All the adults and kids dressed up. There were about 15 or so kids there, needless to say, they had a ball together. We all had a really good time.

So now Halloween is over and the costumes will be used for dress up play and possibly incorporated into a Christmas play. I wonder what my babies will come up with for me to make for them next year! Only time will tell!