Adam is growing like one thing. He is about 17 lbs or so now and is eating anything he can get his hands on. He is crawling all over the house, from one room to the next. For some reason his favorite hang out is the bathroom, playing in the trash can (GROSS), needless to say I have to keep that door closed! He has the sweetest, most infectious smile ever, his face just beams with his big smile, of course it is contagious and I can't help but smile right back at him. He is growing way too fast, it is sad, especially when I anticipate him to be our last! He is a cutie.
Mason has been sick, a stomach bug of sorts. Not fun! He is doing better and is wide open as ever! He is our dancer, he has some rythem and is always dancing when he hears any kind of music. He is really good at shaking his hiney! Of course he thinks he is super funny and he knows he is cute. He is also into taking batting practice most nights before bed, I am just waiting for him to bust out a window! He only wants to hit the real ball, need I remind you, this is at night, before bed, INSIDE! He does well, he hits the ball about 4 out of 5 tries, he is also ambidextrious, he throws almost as well with his left hand as he does his right. He is a mess! Gotta love him!
Katy is doing great in school and loving gymnastics on Tuesdays. She is really developing her coordination skills, which is sometimes difficult with her being so tall! She is beautiful and loves her "animals." She is always playing with stuffed animals, or her ponies or pet shops! She has her own agenda. Katy in her own time-she does most everything at her own pace and in her own time. She is great, I could never ask for a better daughter! She is really in to walking up to Gran's these days. Gran and Papaw Burch live right behind us at the top of the hill. About 3 or 4 times a week she asks to walk up to Gran's. So, there she goes up the hill, in the house and crawls up on Gran's walker for a chat. She tells gran a lot more than she tells me, typical huh? I am so glad she enjoys going there and spending time with them, it is good for her and them too. I want her to "know" them! And she will, they all will! I will make sure they do! We are fotunate enought to live close to them, we should take advantage of it.
As for the rest of us, or the family as a whole, we are gearing up for Christmas! It is just around the corner!