I have not blogged in so long that anyone who ever did consider looking at this blog has long since lost interest. Oh well, I only do it for the family and for the kids to be able to look back one day and be able to read about moments in thier lives they may have forgotten. The thing is that we are making the memories, but I am failing to capture them in words. Today, I plan to do better, to write more, to capture moments, to preserve time, right here on this blog. I owe it to my kids, and those random folks out there who like to read about my kids.
We have been on Vacation to Cherry Grove (Myrtle) June 14-21. It was great! We had a good time and it went by too fast. I plan to add more beach stories in days to come.
Tradgedies are hitting us right and left, we began our vacation with news of the death of Darren's Papaw "Hugh McDaniel" and ended our vacation with news of the death of Darren's first cousin, "Mark Grubb." Two wonderful people who will be missed greatly by those whose lives they have touched. These deaths, along with three others, "Chet Zwierzchowski" (a close family friend), "Larry Brittain" (a close family friend), and "Lois Burch" (my mother) make 5 deaths in our lives since the end of March. Saddness, loss, pain, peace, thankfullness, fear, encouragment, empathy, sympathy, love... are all feelings that have touched our lives in so many ways during these few months. We are blessed to have a God to love us, and care for us, and comfort us in these times. We are blessed inside the loss!
Rambling, I know.
The kids! Of course, the kids are GREAT! They are the bestest, most cutest, most precious, funniest, snuggliest, lovable kids in the whole entire world, and again, we are blessed because they are ours!!!!! Yippeeeee!!!!!
They are so much fun. Adam (15 mos now) NOT WALKING! Bear crawling around on his hands and feet like crazy! "Hey buddy, stand up!" He smiles all the time and was a total sand crab at the beach! Mason is CRAZY and comes up with the funniest things to say and do, of course keeping us on our toes all the time. Katy, she is just Katy, she is growing up way too fast, loves to get dressed up and put on her lip gloss! She is changing so much every day I can't keep up, she makes me smile so big my cheeks hurt! Proud, that is what we are, Proud to the bone! Blessed way more than we deserve.
Thank you God for our family and for trusting us to raise your kids in our home. We are unworthy but grateful for the opportunity to be parents to these precious kids, please lead us each day to lead them in a way that is pleasing to you!