I had to write this as part of our staff retreat. I thought I would share it!
Nanaw and Papaw’s place
An old red barn high on a hill
A loft, old toys left behind by my mother and her sister
Hay bails, a church pew, an old children’s kitchen set
An old iron bed, now mine
Smells of corn, dirt, manure, wonderful smells
An old white house
A spring fed well
Papaw asleep on the couch on the porch
Nanaw in the kitchen, most always in the kitchen
Smells of fried bologna, dog, wood stove, wonderful smells
A world of adventure waiting outside
Hours spent along the creek bank
Lunches missed at the old red barn
Blackberries picked in the holler behind the house
Smells of freshly plowed soil, fragrant wild flowers, musty garage, wonderful smells
Granny and Grandaddy Burch
The old home place, my home place
What were they like, I wonder
How did they sound, I wonder
How did they smell, I wonder
Stories told, passed through generations
Stories of a large family, an old store
Sacrifices made for their kids, and in time, their kids
Sacrifices made to insure an education
Hard work, hard times, hard lives, enduring love
Educators, Educators, and more Educators
Teachers and administrators
Passion for young children
Passion for learning
Passion for the possibility of an educated child
Learn to do things for yourself
Don’t depend on others to do for you
Make good decisions
Learn from bad decisions
Have fun, Laugh
Embrace spontaneity
Embrace life and love
Be patient and kind
Truly LOVE the ones you love the most
Be at home in the kitchen
Know a measuring spoon from a soup spoon
Be able to use both
Try new things
Cook without a recipe
Open your home to everyone
To Those you love, and those you don’t
Entertain with a pure heart
Share what you have
Welcome, Welcome
Marriage is hard, very hard
But worth it all
The fights, the tears, the sleepless nights
Worth the time
Worth it all
Marriage is great, wonderful in fact
Laughter, playfulness, smiles, intimacy, quiet
To feel home no matter where you are
Assurance, trust, longing, love
Worth it all
Kids grow too fast, way too fast
0-18 in 2 years, that is what it feels like
They grow so fast, you miss so much
They learn new things, you didn’t teach them
They teach you things you thought you knew
They are sweet, and soft, and precious
They are nerve racking, and stubborn, and precocious
They are smart, and sensitive, and kind
They are inquisitive, and independent, and dependant
They are perfect
They carry your heart with them
Into the sandbox and red clay mud
Along the creek bank and into the water
On the swings and down the slide
Every step they take
Live your life
Know that each decision you make effects someone else
Love the ones you love today, they may be gone tomorrow
Practice random acts of kindness, what comes around goes around
Respect your elders, and your unders
Trust in God
Know your imperfections by far out-weigh your perfections
Ask for forgiveness
Hold his hand
Walk with him each day
Random stories of life lived amoung three adorable little Cook kids and other random musings.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Catch Up!

Wow, it has been forever since I have blogged!!!!! Sorry to those of you who take a look from time to time. Well, lets see, what is going on in our lives? Lots! Thanksgiving was good, Darren went hunting with his dad, Larry got a 6 point and Darren got a doe, they are being processed now. We had Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday night after Thanksgivning with my parents and my Aunt and Uncle, it was a nice dinner and good time spent together. Christmas shopping and preparation is all consuming and could prove to be the death of me. Katy is really into it this year and loves decorating and making ornaments and telling me that she wants everything she sees on TV, but no babies! Wierd huh? Mason is great, running around making us all laugh, and Adam is sitting and crawling around EVERYWHERE!
The kids are going to be in our Christmas pageant on December 16. Katy is "Mary," Mason is a Shepherd and Adam is a lamb. I am really excited, I think they will be so cute. Of course I am biased! They are excited! We will be traveling to Mocksville over the Holidays, spending time at home, and having Nana come for a visit. Lots of excitement!
I will try to do better in December than in November, but no promises!!!! Thank you for keeping up with us through the blog.
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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