The kids and I were on our own this weekend, Dad went hunting, until Saturday night. We spent some fun time together and the kids were great. We all missed Daddy but still enjoyed the time we had together. We all went out for Pizza on Friday night, just me and the 3, they were really good. We came home and watched a movie together. Dad did not get a deer but did enjoy the time with family and time at the cabin. This week he goes to Raleigh, Monday-Thursday and then we are planning to go camping on Friday afternoon thru Sunday. Busy, busy. Our friends Chad and Heather and thier kids, Maggie and Nathan are going with us.
Katy will be starting back to gymnastics this week. She is excited, she really likes gymnatics, more than SOCCER! She is such a girl! Of course, I love it! She is getting so big.
Mason is a mess as usual, he must be the cutest thing ever. He is big into wanting to go to the football game (we have been to 2 this year). Therefore he thinks we should be goin every time we get in the car.
Adam is growing more every day. He is enjoying the taste of his toes and pushing up all fours a lot. He still is not sitting up and has no teeth. He laughs at Katy all the time. He is precious!
So that is our life in a nutshell for the time being. I am sure we will have new things to report soon.