Happy Halloween kidos!
On the hayride!
The Cooks!
And the kids, one more time.
Okay, so I am just now getting around to adding Halloween pictures and it is the middle of November....shoot me!
We had a really great Halloween this year. Aunt Mary and I made Katy a beautiful princess dress, which she loved! Mason and Adam were both Batman (or according to Mason, Adam was Batman's cousin, Batman). I made Batman capes for both boys. We celebrated Halloween by having a small Halloween party for the kids at our house on the Sunday before Halloween. Everyone dressed up (parents too) and we started by taking a hay ride around our neighborhood and trick-or-treated at about 5 houses close by. Then we came in and had pizza, chili, and chicken stew, followed by spider cupcakes. The kids had a great time playing together and they loved the fact that the moms and dads were dressed up too. It was a lot of fun for everyone.
On Wednesday before Halloween we went to church to our Trunk-or-treat. The kids had great time going around and trick-or-treating out of everyone's cars. Then they got to go on a hay ride. Adam and I ended up getting off the hayride just in front of the house and coming in to find that he had a temp of 103! Imagine that, one of the kids is sick. He remained sick for 5 days straight with a fever, he is still a little yucky.
On Halloween Night Katy spent the night with Sidnee and went Trick-or-Treating with her on the town square. Needless to say, we have lots of candy. Me and the boys went to the football game but then came back home where it was warm. So, our Halloween lasted a full week and was lots of fun for everyone!
It is so much fun to see the kids dressed up and excited about getting to pretend to be someone else for a little while. What fun it is to be a kid!
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