Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Well, Adam's ear drum burst around 7:00 this morning, and he felt fine after that! His ear has drained all day, and he has been tired, but he is feeling better! It scares me when this happens, I don't want him to lose any of his hearing. I bet there is a good chance we will have to get tubes again (the one in the infected ear fell out a few months ago.) He and I had a good day together, we were able to get a short nap and I picked up his antibiotics! I am hoping for a speedy recovery!
I just hate seeing him in so much pain and being so helpless!!!!

Katy had a great day! Tonight was her, "Night of the Notables" at school. She was Marie Curry, scientist who dicovered Ranium. I had never heard of her! LOL! Each child dressed up as thier character and came in the room, one by one, and answered questions about thier person, then we, the parents, had to guess who they were! They all did a great job! We were really proud of Miss Katy! She had worked hard on her project!

Dear God,
Thank you for you guidance in our lives. Please continue to be with Adam, help him to get better! Thank you for our family and for the personality you gave each of our children, they are each perfect in thier own way!

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