Sunday, March 25, 2012

Adam turns Five!!

Adam Turns 5!!!!

March 21, 2012, the Adam Bomb turned 5 years old!!!i must say that he is the funniest little thing ever, and he has no problem expressing his thoughts, ideas, and opinions! He has been in Ms. Cindy Longs and Dawn Kelly's class this year for Pre-K, and he has loved school! He has learned so much and is one smart cookie! I believe he may be reading before he goes to Kindergarten! We had a birthday party for him at Meadow Grove church, and he chose Pumba for his birthday cake! Darren set up an obstacle course for the kids, we had sack races, nd busted a piƱata (Adams favorite part)! He was so excited to have his first real birthday party where he got to invite his friends! We all had a great time! One thing I can say about Adam is that he is so funny and that he is a thinker! He says all kinds of things that show he has been thinking about them for a while! And he asks all kinds of questions! He is particularly good at coming up with reasons about why thing "aren't fair!" But we couldn't ask for a better boy! He holds a special place in this family!!!
Adam is five
We've many years to survive
His wonderfully crazy ways
His laughter contagious
His spirit courageous
We will love him all of his days
Theres no doubt in my mind
His personality will shine
All spirits he surely will raise
All the days of his life
As parents well strive
To guide him through each day
Teaching him to love God
Helping him to know
God And to always give him his praise.

We love you so much our precious ADAM-BOMB!!!!

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