What can I say about our Adam Bomb, other than the fact that he undoubtedly the cutest thing! He has got personality popping out of his ears! You never know what you are going to get with Adam. You may get a great big smile and a big hug, or you might get a miffed "hmmmmmph" and ignored. You can tell what the day will be like just by watching him round the corner when he gets up in the morning. If he has a little grin popping out from behind his passy and a little sparkle in his eye, the day is sure to be a good one. However, if he happens to come in with with his eyes drawn down and his passy held tight in the pinch of his mouth, the day is sure to be a doozie! He is the funniest thing, and has a mind and an opinion all his own.
He is smart too! He has a good vacabulary and has no problem getting his point accross. Like when he wants something, milk for intstance, he says, "I want milk, I want milk, I want milk, mom, mom, I want milk, mom, I want milk........" a million times (getting louder and louder) all while he sees me pouring his milk. He never stops asking until it is sitting in front of him. Do any of you out there know his father....well, there ya go, patience is not thier strong suit.
Adam's favorite phrase at the moment is, "I do it self." He wants to do everything by himself. Get this, he even changes his own diapers. If I am not in the room, he will remove his own clothes and diaper, take the diaper to the trash can, then come find me to say, "I poop mom." Really! Lovely! Now lets make sure that I check all the floors, furniture, and carpets! Then clean up the boy and get him dressed! You might think, "hey, if he can do all that he should be potty trained!" Well, I challenge anyone to come try that, he pretty much refuses, unless it is his idea. So, like every thing else, he will do it in his own time!
Adam loves books. He would sit and let someone read to him all day, that is unless he takes a notion to read it "self" which is often. He will sit on the couch or lay in the floor on his belly and read books forever. He loves "Llama Llama, Red Pajama."
Adam....he is the glue in our family, everyone is drawn to him and we all stick a little. We all have this notion that since he is the youngest that he needs to be looked after more, that he needs a little special attention. Truth is, he's gonna do just fine all on his own. You know why, because he knows he can! As parents, we strive and desire to instill confidence, persevereance, possitive self esteem in our children, and I believe parents do give these things to thier children. But, I also think some are just born with a little extra, a little confidence built in for a rainy day! That is Adam, he has it.
Lord, please help me to be the mother that Adam (and Katy and Mason) need. Help me to encourage them, to support them, to believe in them, to be attentive to them, to guide them, to educate them, to stand by them, to love them so much that they never doubt how much they are loved and valued. Help us to be the very best parents we can be for each of our children. Help us to recognize thier idividuality, and their strengths and weaknesses, and help us to parent them as individuals, not as a whole. They are each special and different and the same, and we love each and every ounce of them!
So, here we go, facing each day together. Preschool and spelling tests, diapers and attitudes, arguments and kindness, protectiveness over each other and kicks and screams at each other, tricycles and two wheelers, skinned knees and bee stings, smiles and giggles, and six little blue eyes full of possibility, hope, and confidence in the fact that thier mama and daddy are the rulers of the universe (and they still like us)LOL! Lord, help us not to let them down!