I mentioned earlier that we had visited Big Lagoon State Park in Florida for Spring Break. Well, I wanted to talk a little more about the trip and add some more pictures. 

We had an excellent trip! We were supposed to leave on April 10 (Friday) however, due to the storms and tornados, we elected to leave early Saturday morning (3:30). We met Chad and Heather and traveled together. We stopped for breakfast at a Cracker Barrell (it wasn't very good though). We arrived at the park in the afternoon. We set up camp and went down to the small beach at the inlet. Our first night, we grilled hamburgers and hot dogs. That night we built a fire, roasted marshmallows, took showers, put the kids in for a movie and quiet time, and the adults played some cards. Sunday was nice at the campground. We started the day off with riding our bikes around and playing at the playground. Then, we decided to venture out to the water, BAD IDEA! The wind was terrible, so needless to say, we didn't stay long before going back to the camp sites. We spent the afternoon just hanging out together. Monday, it was RAINY, so, lucky for us, the National Aviation Museum was located in Pensacola, so we spend the day there. We returned the following morning for an air show presented by the one and only Blue Angels! It was AWESOME! Tuesday afternoon we were able to spend at the beach! It was beautiful and we practically had the beach to our selves. Problem was, Adam had a tummy ache so he wasn't too happy! We were originally supposed to leave on Wednesday morning, however, since we had only had one real day at the beach, we were able to reserve two other sites (yes we had to move for only one night-UGH)! We ended up staying until Thursday. We got to spend all afternoon at the beach on Wednesday as well. Beautiful weather. The kids had a great time! They found sea shells and played in the water and the sand. And what beach trip would ever be complete without burying kids in the sand! So, we had 4 kiddos buried up to thier necks in sand. Two mermaids, and two sharks. Adam wasn't really into the whole "burying" idea.
All in all, the trip was a total success! The kids loved it. They had a great time together and loved riding thier bikes at the camp groung. I tell you what, families who think vacations are only made up of high rise hotels and condos are doing thier children an injustice. The experience of camping in all kinds of locations are the things that memories are made of. Hotels and indoor plumbing are nice and will always be available, but spending time in the great outdoors (even if you have to squat), building fires and roasting marshmallows, riding bikes and playing in creeks, climbing trees and taking hikes, spending time with your family without interuptions or schedules are so much better!!!!! You just have to be adventurous enough to give it a chance. Trust me, your kids will thank you for it one day!
I am thankful to have these opportunities to spend with family and friends!
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