Thursday, August 27, 2009

Rockin' the World of Pre-School

Mason Burch Cook started Pre-K today and totally rocked the world of Pre-K with his amazing blue eyes, long eye lashes, and a smile that could melt the Statue of Liberty! Mason was so excited about going to see Mrs. Weesa (Lisa) and his new classroom. He was proud to be going to Katy's school! We walked in and he was a "wittle bit shiney" (shy) at first, but he found his cubbie, hung up his backpack, gave us some kisses and hugs, and headed to play with the dinosars! And there he was.....growing up a little more right there in front of me. Sigh!

I offered to pack his lunch, he said he would just eat in the cafeteria. I offered to come pick him up from school, he said he would ride the bus with Katy. I wanted to offer to wrap him up in his blaket and take him back home with me where we could snuggle together all day, but I knew he would just say something like, "no mom, you need to go take care of Adam, I will see you this afternoon," so I just let him go and wished him a fantastic day! And that, he had!

We are so proud of you! You are the sweetest little boy on the planet! You are so smart and so funny, and so talented, and so.................AWESOME! We love you and wish for you the best the world has to offer. I hope you take this year to be completely and totally "4." Play, make new friends, learn new things, get dirty, get wet, make new things, read lots of stories, sing lots of songs, and............did I say play! This is your time to learn through play, so play with everything and everyone available to you!
Always know that we are here for you, loving you with all my heart! Always believing in you, always praying for you, always seeing the best in you! We wish you all the greatness in the world!

We love you Mason! Pinky Promise!

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